"I Believe" In the Holy Spirit
Who is the Holy Spirit?
He is ‘another Counsellor’. This implies two things:
(a) ‘Another’ refers to one in addition to what Jesus had been.
(b) Counsellor is the NIV translation of the Greek parakletos.
(1) It is difficult to translate parakletos into one word, e.g., Comforter, Advocate.
(2) It literally means ‘one who comes alongside’.
(c) In short: as Jesus had come alongside, so too would the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit would be a gift of the Father. ‘He will give you …’
(a) It was the Father who had sent Jesus into the world (John 8:16).
(b) One of the differences between the Western church and Eastern Orthodoxy was over the manner in which the Spirit was sent: The Western church says the Spirit came from the Father and the Son. The Eastern church says the Spirit came from the Father through the Son.
The Holy Spirit would come as a result of Jesus’ intercession: ‘I will ask …’
(a) This may have been implied in Jesus’ prayer in John 17.
(b) It is likely that this was fully carried out after Jesus took his seat at God’s right hand (Acts 2:33).
The Holy Spirit would never depart from them: ‘To be with you forever’.
(a) This promise coincides with Jesus’ words (Matthew 28:20; cf. Hebrews 13:5).
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. ‘The Spirit of truth’.
(a) Objectively, the Spirit cannot lie since God cannot lie (Hebrews 6:18; Titus 1:2).
How do We Receive the Holy Spirit?
Jesus has made available to every believer the work and power of the Holy Spirit. Every believer receives that promise, regardless of denomination, cultural background, race, color, or age.
The unsaved cannot appreciate the Holy Spirit: ‘The world cannot accept him’.
(a) Before the world can accept the Spirit three things are required, which Jesus would later make clear (John 16:8):
(1) To be convicted of sin.
(2) To be convicted of righteousness.
(3) To be convicted of judgement.
The Holy Spirit would be in our hearts: ‘Will be in you’.
(a) Jesus, who came alongside, was ‘with’ the disciples.
(b) The Holy Spirit, who would come alongside, would be ‘in’ us.